Saturday, August 18, 2018

The Dog Days of Summer

A successful greenhouse is one that combines basic laws of physics and uses them to optimize plant growth. The basic ingredients are temperature, light, air and water.
A younger, smaller Midge with struggling Phalaenopsis before the Temple was built. They did better here than the former place I moved from last year, because they got several hours of morning sun, but something was still missing. Midge walking all over them didn't help matters!

In addition to higher humidity and no more Feline "husbandry", the Phalaenopsis enjoy a new growing medium of Medium Orchid mix from Gubler's and sphagnum moss. I mix them half and half. The sphagnum helps give the plants more consistent moisture. I also switched to clear pots so the roots can photosynthesize, as they do in nature. Lastly, I water every other watering with a diluted mixture of orchid fertilizer, using a Siphonex attached to the hose.

I continually move plants around to optimize light and temperature. Any greenhouse is full of microclimates and a few inches into more or less light can make a huge difference.