Monday, March 18, 2019

The Santa Barbara Orchid Show

Early Sunday morning, I stepped aboard an Orange Belt bus to the Santa Barbara Orchid Show. According to Judy, the hostess that morning, their company started this excursion several years ago after I suggested it. This was my first trip on their line. Judy, a dear friend for many years, and Shelly the driver were a class act. I recommend Orange Belt Tours very highly.

We arrived at the Earl Warren Showgrounds on a very warm day. Bypassing the crowded parking lot, we were admitted to the show from a rear entrance just steps away from the main exhibit hall.

A unique local vehicle

I LOVE the new mini Reedstem Epidendrum hybrids

Norman's Orchids of Montclair, California won a prize for his display

This Bulbophyllum Phaelenopsis is an orchid grown for it's foliage as much as it's flowers.

Sunset Valley Orchids and their award-winning display.

As usual, no photo can capture the real thing adequately. Fragrance also wafted through the main exhibit hall.

One of the benefits of serious Orchid shows are the lectures and classes one may attend.

I know people who spend days at these events. I am  personally spent after a few hours. The colors and fragrances can overwhelm the senses.
After seeing the displays, I visited the plant sales area, where I renewed old acquaintances with Steve from Floralia Orchids of Brazil, and Sheldon from Carmela Orchids of Hilo, Hawaii. I also met the staff of Sunset Valley Orchids and Andy's Orchids for the first time.
Naturally, I brought a few plants home. I was especially pleased to purchase two forms of Laelia Purpurata from Floralia. This species is the national flower of Brazil. 
Sunset Valley Orchids had some lovely miniature Cattleyas in wild colors. Hybridizers today are attempting crosses that produce abundant large flowers on small plants; mighty important in today's world of high energy costs associated with the greenhouse.
After lunch at the Santa Barbara Fish house, which I highly recommend, our group headed home.
The day was thoroughly enjoyable. I plan to make it a yearly event on the bus from now on.

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